We are glad to announce that a group of 2023 EURODOC fellows created a task force dedicated to reshaping the landscape of documentary filmmaking by emphasizing the inclusion of voices from the Global South and underrepresented BIPOC communities.

The mission is to bridge the funding and representation gap in the film industry, advocate for underrepresented perspectives, and foster sustainable global partnerships.
The group is committed to amplifying the voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) documentary filmmakers and those from the Global South. Erika Dilday (American Documentary) is the group's 2023/2024 mentor. Every year, BIPOC participants from the annual program and the local programs will be invited to join the task force, and special on-site and online sessions will be curated for, and by the group.

We have appointed Leonard Cortana as the Inclusion Program and Strategic Partnerships Manager, working closely with the group. He is a PhD Candidate in Cinema Studies and an Instructor at New York University (NYU). He conducted several artistic and educational projects with non-profits and UN agencies. He is currently a consultant for the anti-racial discrimination section at the United Nations in Geneva. He was a Trainer for European Commission Youth Program projects and designed methodologies in theatre and storytelling for social inclusion for youth workers.

BIPOC Sheffield DocFest Directory